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Call me Aberrant. This blog is about my Miniature Wargaming hobby.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Chrysos Campaign: Somnium Version
The Chrysos Campaign was originally developed by Hardy Lebel, and published in “The Citadel Journal: issue 42”. For those of you who are familiar with the publication will notice that the rules presented here are mostly identical to those written in the fore mention journal. Changes and additions have been made to the original text, and are represented here as The Chrysos Campaign: Somnium Version.
There are few reasons for making these modifications, the primary reason being that the original Chrysos Campaign would be about twelve years old at the time of this writing. Modifications to the Campaign were necessary to make the Chrysos Campaign compatible with this newest version of Warhammer 40,000. In addition to the edition adjustment; The Somnium version has been tailored for my own preferences, and to fit with the needs of my gaming group.
Questions, comments, suggestions and criticism are welcome.
1.) Story
A newly discovered warp corridor has re-opened the Somnuim star system to Imperial space . The system lost for centuries, is situated at a key strategic point near the edge of the Eye of Terror. Careful scrutiny by Terra’s most powerful Astropaths (and by the enemies of Man) has revealed a number of potential warp points in the system making it an ideal staging area for attacks against Imperial Worlds!
The race is on to capture the planet of Somnium through the force of arms. The winner will ensure the security of the Imperium, or stand poised to deal with the race of man a deadly blow!
Ancient records show that there was once a thriving human colony on the jungle planet of Somnium, but recent scans reveal the that whatever advanced human culture existed supplanted by an unknown alien race that claimed that planet as their own. It is unclear what became of the aliens for all that remain on the planet are ruins of their civilization and primitive tribes of human savages.
2.) Duration
In the campaign, battles fought to control a the planet are divided into three different Phases. Each phase is divided into a two rounds, each round being a month long.
3.) Conquest
Instead of using a map of the surface of the planet in the Campaign, the Somnuim campaign uses territories to represent the areas of the planet that players army controls. Players start the game with a small group of randomly determined territories, but can gain control of more by winning campaign battles against other players.
4.) How to Win/Campaign Points
During each round, players will have the opportunity to earn Campaign Points by fighting battles, making scenery or by other means. (see the Campaign Points Table below).
At the end of each round the Games Master will double check each players territories and Campaign Point Totals against the campaign log. The winner of each round is the player with the current highest Campaign Point total. Round winners may receive special instructions, which may afford skillful players eh opportunity to win bonus campaign points.
At the end of the three Phases (six months) , the players with he two highest cumulative campaign totals will fight a final battle to determine the control of the Planet and the winner of the campaign.
Campaign Points are awarded as follows:
Win first battle against opponent this round 3.0 points
Win 2nd battle against opponent this round 1.0 points
Win 3rd and subsequent battles against the opponent. 0.5 points
Tie game if opponent shave not earned any points form each other this round. 1.0 points
Tie game 2nd or later battle with same opponent 0.0 points
Lose a Battle 0.0 points
Play a game with a completely painted army 0.25 points
Created a themed terrain piece for the Campaign 1.0 points
Created a themed terrain piece to represent a special territory 1.5 points
Special Round winners may earn additional points through secret missions.
1.) Registering
New players must first register their army selection with the Game Master, and they will be added to the campaign contact list. Once a player selects an army they will be unable to change their selection until the end of the Campaign.
2.) Generating starting territories
Players must first roll four times on the Basic Territory Chart. When rolling for your initial territories please re-roll any rolls of 6.
3.) Calculate army size and Force detachment choices
Depending on the Phase of the Campaign, each player will start off with a certain amount of points as well as have access to certain unit types. See below chart for details. Each Territory (both Basic and Special) will add to points to your overall army total, and/or unlock more army choices for you to use.
4.) Phases
PHASE Starting Army Point Total Starting Army Selection
PHASE ONE: 250+Points from Territory Bonuses Each army is required to have at least two TROOPS choices. Players may have as many additional TROOPS as they desire.
Additional Unit types are only permitted if the player controls the appropriate Territory.
PHASE TWO: TOTAL WAR 450+Points from Territory Bonuses Each army is required to have at least two TROOPS and no more than one HQ choice. Players may have as many additional TROOPS as they desire.
Additional Unit types are only permitted if the player controls the appropriate Territory.
PHASE THREE: ENDGAME 650+Points from Territory Bonuses Each army is required to have at least two TROOPS and no more than one HQ choice. Players may have as many additional TROOPS as they desire.
As well as the mandatory choices, the player may choose another type of unit from the following list: ELITES, FAST ATTACK, or HEAVY SUPPORT. Once this choice is selected it cannot be changed.
Additional Unit types are only permitted if the player controls the appropriate Territory.
1.) Territory Charts
Basic Territory Chart
Roll 1D6 and consult the chart below:
2 +1 HQ
3 +1 ELITE
6 SPECIAL TERRITORY (Roll on the Special Territory Chart below)
Special Territory Chart
Roll 1D6 and consult the chart below:
1 Alien Installations (Roll 1D6 to determine type) 2-2 Sub-Crustal Subway
3-4 Medical Arcology
5-6 Atmospheric Control Station
2 Primitive Settlements (Roll 1D6 to determine type) 2-2 Canopy Villages
3-4 Trail Nomads
5-6 Shaman Trader
3 Ancient Ruins (Roll 1D6 to determine type) 2-2 Antediluvian Battlements
3-4 Lost Ziggurat
5-6 Catacombs
4 Waterways (Roll 1D6 to determine type) 2-2 Mighty Jungle River
3-4 Underwater Caverns
5-6 Archipelago
5 Deadly Terrain (Roll 1D6 to determine type) 2-2 Volcanic Upheavals
3-4 Quicksand
5-6 Man Eating Plants
6 Wildlife (Roll 1D6 to determine type) 2-2 Hive Honeycomb
3-4 Predator’s Domain
5-6 Pack Beast Herd
2.) Basic Territory Description
The descriptions for the Basic Territory types are purposefully generic: players are encouraged to invent colorful descriptions for the territories under their control, and take a crack and modeling the appropriate terrain pieces as well. When a territory is won from another Player, the capturing Player is free to pick a description appropriate to their army list, but the World, Terrain Type and the Points Value of the Territory remain the same.
Road, Bridge or Tunnel
Your army controls a network of key roads, bridges and tunnels that allow you to move a greater volume of troops than other armies. To represent this the territory type is worth 3D6x10 army points to your total.
If this territory is staked in battle and it’s original owner wins, the territory gains an additional 1D6x10 points to its point value to represent the army’s expanding network of control.
+1 HQ
Your army controls territory that allows you to field an additional HQ squad. Some possible descriptions could include a mobile command base, a regional capital or even a natural terrain feature that increases the range of your armies communication devices. In addition to the extra HQ squad, this territory also gives you an additional 10dD6 points to your army total.
+1 Heavy Support
Your army controls territory that allows you to field an additional Heavy Support squad. Some possible descriptions could include a munitions dump, high-grade machine shops or even a cargo space port. In addition to the Heavy Support squad this territory gives you 10D6 points to your army total.
+1 Fast Attack
Your army controls territory that allows you to field an additional Fast Attack squad. Some possible descriptions could include oil fields , mobile vehicle maintenance bays or even an natural terrain feature that provides a revolutionary fuel source. In addition to the extra Fast Attack squad, this territory also gives you an additional 10dD6 points to your army total.
+1 Elites
Your army controls territory that allows you to field an additional Elites squad. Some possible descriptions could include an Eldar Aspect Temple for a squad of Aspect Warriors or a Drop Zone for a Space Marine Squad Terminator Squad. In addition to the extra Elites squad, this territory also gives you an additional 10dD6 points to your army total.
3.) Special Territory Description: ALIEN INSTALLATIONS
The planet of Somnium is littered with the ruins of a once-powerful alien civilization. Their nature and origins are a mystery, but the remnants of their technology clearly show them to be even more advanced than the empire of man. Your army controls a semi-functioning alien installation; perhaps your own tech specialists were able to repair the facility to a limit extent or perhaps the powerful devices have simply endured through the centuries. Regardless, the alien technology gives you an edge in battle. See the entries below for specific details on the territory you control.
Sub-Crystal Subway
These ancient devices allow exceptionally fast transportation along a crystalline rail structure deep beneath the planets crust. Although large portions of the network are no longer operational, an army can still shuttle troops to the vicinity of a battle far more quickly than by moving on the surface of the planet.
Bonus: Stake this territory to add +1 to the owners reserves tolls during any scenario that uses those rules. in addition the controlling player may always choose deployment zone regardless of the dice roll In scenarios that force players to randomly determine the table edge that their reserves arrive on, the owner may choose the edge instead.
Medical Arcology
This ancient alien medical complex is filled with a maze of medical equipment. It is a clear that the alien race was actively engaged in in biological experimentation on the primitive human tribes of the planet, but if the experimentation was to help the aboriginals, or make them more efficient slaves is unknown.
Bonus: Stake this territory to subject one squad from your army to temporary physical modification by the alien devices. Note that the modifications to the troops’ stat line last for one battle. Roll 1d6 on the table to determine the temporary effect of the alien machines:
1 -2 Initiative (to a minimum value of 1)
2-3 +1 Toughness
4-5 +1 Strength
6 Squad moves as calvary.
Atmospheric Control Station
This gigantic installation once allowed the aliens complete control of over the weather of the planet Somnuim. Cetnruries of disuse and neglect have left the controls capable of only gross adjustments. Still, if you so choose you can whip p powerfull storms over any part of the planet surface at the touch of a button, making ariel movement almost impossible.
Bonus: When this territory is staked the entire battlefield counts as difficult terrain for Skimmers, troops equipped with Jump Packs and Jet Packs, as well as any Jet Bikes.
4.) Special Territory Description: PRIMITIVE SETTLEMENTS
The planet of Somnuim was once inhabited by a thriving human civilization. Whether that colony fell to barbarism before the arrival of the mysterious alien race, or their civilization was destroyed by the alien’s arrival is unclear. The current human inhabitants of the planet are primitive tribesmen that have adapted to life on the lush jungle planet in a variety of ways. Your army has made contact with (or enslaved) one of
the local tribes and can put their survival skills to use in your own war of conquest. See entries below for specific details on the territory you control.
Canopy Villages
The treetops of the jungle planet form a world to themselves. A large variety of plant and animal species have adapted to life far above the jungle floor, and so have some tribes of primitives. From there tree top perches these tribesmen have a commanding view of all that happens on the jungle floor below. No intrusion escapes their watchful eye.
Bonus: When this territory is staked, the enemy army may not sue a squad’s special ability to infiltrate, even if the scenario permits it.
Trail Nomads
The nomadic tribes of the jungle floor claim territories hundreds of mile in circumference and roam the length and breadth of their turf dozens of times per solar cycle. Even well worn trials can quickly be absorbed by the jungle, forcing nomads to find new paths through the ever-changing maze of foliage. Their path finding skills can serve your army well.
Bonus: Stake this territory to allow your Infantry units gain the “Move Through Cover” special rule.
Shaman Trader
Half Huckster, half holy man the Shaman Trader wends his way from village to village dispensing healing charms, potions and gossip. There are few these cunning travelers can’t be bribed to reveal while more generous (or persuasive) commanders find them useful saboteurs!
Bonus: Stake this territory to view the opponents army list including equipment allocations and vehicle upgrades. The player may then elect to have the Shaman Trader sabotage the enemy’s equipment: select any piece of equipment, wargear, vehicle upgrade or vehicle options from your opponents army list and then roll a D6 and see below:
1 The Trader is discovered and executed.
This territory is lost: the controlling player must ante for this battle.
2-6 The item is sabotaged and is not available for use during this battle.
Note that the points cost for the sabotaged item are not replaced... they are simply lost for the duration of the battle.
5.) Special Territory Description: ANCIENT RUINS
Depp in the heart of the jungles of Somnium stand long forgotten stone ruins of uncanny craftsmanship. No one knows who built the ancient structures, but rough estimates of their age seem to predate even the human civilization on this planet. No wild creatures inhabit the ruins and they remain largely free of plant life as well as if some presence shields them from the all-enfolding jungle. See the entires below for specific details on the territory you control.
Antediluvian Battlements
The stonework of these ancient battlements seems primitive at first glance, but closer examination reveals them to be cunningly designed in multiple layers of striated rock capable withstanding volleys from even modern weaponry. Combine that with with their fiendish interlocking fields of fire and key tactical positioning and one might wonder; what battles were fought here and by whom?
Bonus: Stake this territory to add up to 1d3 Bunker Terrain models to the battlefield wherever you wish.
Bunkers may have weapon emplacements built into them. If the controlling player elects to place bunkers with weapon emplacements then they replace one Heavy Support choice in their army. Weapon emplacements randomly generate their weapon characteristics for every battle.
Range: 12+6D6, Str: 3+D6, AP: roll 1D6: a roll of 1= No AP value, otherwise the number is the AP value of the weapon, Special: Heavy D3.
Lost Ziggurat
This looming stepped tower stands in a wide clearing as if it’s presence alone were holding back the jungle. Even non-telepathic minds can feel a powerful presence as they approach this ancient monolith.
Bonus: If this territory is staked then no psychic powers, chaos gifts or force weapons may be used during the battle. Also daemons may not be summoned in the presence of a Lost Ziggurat.
Whatever hallowed dead these new burial tunnels once held have long since become dust, but the tunnels themselves remain strangely resistant to to time and dilapidation. The catacombs blend so perfectly with into the surrounding terrain that only an eye familiar with the constructs of the ancients could identity their hidden entrances and exists.
Bonus: If this territory is staked after both sides have placed their troops the controlling player amy swap the positions of any of their infantry squads.
6.) Special Territory Description: WATERWAYS
Water is vital to the teeming life the jungle planet of Somnium and it’s waterways echo the untamed savagery if it’s landscape; storm lashed seas roll between the continents of the planet while mighty rivers course through the heart of it’s jungles.To brave the brave or the foolish the waterways of Somnium can be a powerful tool for the mastery of the planet. See the entries below for specific details on the territory you control.
Mighty Jungle River
Wending it’s way through the heart of the jungle, this mighty river is a vein that bears the lifeblood of the jungle. The perpetual storms that lash the seas at the rivers mouth regularly send powerful floods of water high up the river against its natural current. To those wise to it’s rhythms , the river can be used to transport great loads up or down its length.
Bonus: The controlling player may stake this territory to automatically pass all reserves rolls in ant scenario that uses them. Not e this does not apply to summoned creatures (daemons, webway portals, etc.)
Underwater Caverns
Huge caves exist below the jungle floor. Perpetual rains and flooding rivers ensure that the caverns form great natural water cisterns that are always full. To an army used to plying the vacuum of outer space, the caves could prove to be a useful alternative to travel across the planets surface.
Bonus: Stake this territory to elect to be attacker in a scenario regardless of strategy ratings. The controlling player may also choose to take the first or second turn.
Along the coastline great refs form to protect shoals from tropical storms that brew over the open ocean. Centuries have worn great segments of the reef down into a sequestered island atoll that allow a cunning commander clear views of any approaching force, and their choice of the time and place of engagement.
Bonus: Stake this territory to elect to be the defender in a scenario regardless of strategy rating. the controlling player may also choose to take the first turn.
4.) Special Territory Description: DEADLY TERRAIN
Somnium may not qualify as a deathworld by imperial standards, but it’s savage landscape still holds a variety of dangers for would be conquerers.
Volcanic Upheavals
Chyrsos seems to be undergoing massive seismic changes deep in it’s core. Continental shifting often causes powerful seismic upheavals that rip through the jungle floor uprooting mighty trees and tearing great rents in the land itself. Perhaps this new period of if geological brought down its mysterious alien masters: we shall never know.
Bonus: When this territory is staked, the controlling player may place up to 1D3 counters on the battlefield to represent points of possible volcanic eruption. Counters may not be placed within 18” of each other.
During the shooting phase of the controlling players turn that player must check to see if their counters “erupts” in a violent volcanic explosion. The eruption occurs on a roll of a 5 or 6 on 1D6 and is represented by the ordnance large blast template. If an eruption occurs the controlling player must roll 2D6 and a scatter dice. If the scatter dice registers a “hit” result then the eruption occurs were the template is placed. If the dice comes up as an arrow move the template on the direction of the arrow the number number of inches indicated by the two dice.
Troops under the blast template in the direction of the arrow the number of inches indicated by the two dice.
The nomadic tribes of the jungle floor claim territories hundreds of mile in circumference and roam the length and breadth of their turf dozens of times per solar cycle. Even well worn trials can quickly be absorbed by the jungle, forcing nomads to find new paths through the ever-changing maze of foliage. Their path finding skills can serve your army well.
Bonus: Stake this territory to allow your Infantry units gain the “Move Through Cover” special rule.
Man-Eating Plants
Some of the deadliest inhabitants of Somnuim are neither sentient or mobile. Numerous species of carnivorous plant have adapted perfectly mimic non-lethal species in every habitat of the planet. These deadly dopplegangers are ideally adapted to ambush and slay any prey that stumbles into their clutches.
Bonus: When this territory is staked at any point in the game the controlling player may declare one terrain piece infested with deadly man-eating plants. Any infantry models (Not bikes, jump infantry, calvary or vehicles) in/on the terrain piece or in base to base contact are attacked. The models are hit on a 4+ and the attack is resolved at a strength of 5. Normal saving throws (including saves for cover) do not apply because snaking tendrils bore inwards towards any exposed flesh or chinks in armor. Invulnerable saves still apply however.
4.) Special Territory Description: DEADLY WILDLIFE
Chrysos is home to some deadly inhabitants.
Hive Honeycomb
The treetops of the jungle planet form a world to themselves. A large variety of plant and animal species have adapted to life far above the jungle floor, and so have some tribes of primitives. From there tree top perches these tribesmen have a commanding view of all that happens on the jungle floor below. No intrusion escapes their watchful eye.
Bonus: When this territory is staked, the enemy army may not sue a squad’s special ability to infiltrate, even if the scenario permits it.
Predator’s Domain
The nomadic tribes of the jungle floor claim territories hundreds of mile in circumference and roam the length and breadth of their turf dozens of times per solar cycle. Even well worn trials can quickly be absorbed by the jungle, forcing nomads to find new paths through the ever-changing maze of foliage. Their path finding skills can serve your army well.
Bonus: Stake this territory to allow your Infantry units gain the “Move Through Cover” special rule.
Pack Beast Herd
Half Huckster, half holy man the Shaman Trader wends his way from village to village dispensing healing charms, potions and gossip. There are few these cunning travelers can’t be bribed to reveal while more generous (or persuasive) commanders find them useful saboteurs!
Bonus: Stake this territory to view the opponents army list including equipment allocations and vehicle upgrades. The player may then elect to have the Shaman Trader sabotage the enemy’s equipment: select any piece of equipment, wargear, vehicle upgrade or vehicle options from your opponents army list and then roll a D6 and see below:
1 The Trader is discovered and executed.
This territory is lost: the controlling player must ante for this battle.
2-6 The item is sabotaged and is not available for use during this battle.
Note that the points cost for the sabotaged item are not replaced... they are simply lost for the duration of the battle.
1.) Schedule a Battle
Players are expected to contact each other and schedule as many )or as few) battles as they would like during each round of the Campaign.
2.) Generate the Scenario and Mission
When players meet to fight campaign battle they should choose a mission in a mutually agreeable manner.In addition participants should check their army roster against the force organization charts for the scenario and mission that they have generated and determine which of their units are available.
3.) Stake Territories
Randomly generate a new ‘unclaimed’ terrain entry form the Basic Territory Chart. Each of the participating players then ‘stakes’ one of their current territory holdings- this may be done secretly if desired to add an edge of mystery. Note that whenever possible the players should place terrain that is representative of the territories staked in the battle!
At the end of the Battle, the winner may acquire any two of the three territories staked for the battle: those of the players plus a new territory type generated at the start. The loser then takes control of the remaining territory.
4.) More about Territories
A player may only control a maximum of ten territories at one time. If a player is in a position to acquire more than 10 territories, the may elect to drop territories under their control in favor the new territories, but their total may never exceed 10.
At any time during the campaign a player may elect to withdraw from the planets surface thereby relinquish all their current territories and al their current Campaign points totals. If the player wishes to rejoin the campaign, they simply generate new territory holdings as normal and restart their Campaign Points total at zero.
5.) Bookkeeping
When a battle is fought it is the winners responsibility to contact the campaign administrator and report the results and the final disposition of territories so that information can be recorded in the Campaign Log.
6.) Secret Missions
Round winners are awarded Secret Missions that they may undertake during the following Campaign Round-these should be written by the Campaign Administrator. Secret Missions are are a special series of battles linked by a common back story, often feature unique units, settings or territories that are only only available to the player that is undertaking the mission.
The battles that constitute a Secret Mission must be fought in order, and each must be won before the next battle in the sequence may be attempted.
In addition to the normal Campaign points garnered through victories, winning all the battles of the Secret Missions will afford long term benefits as well as veteran abilities for participating units or unique territories with powerful special abilities.
When a player opts to undertake a Secret Mission they should schedule a game as normal, but instead of generating a scenario, players fight the mission written by the Games Master. The playa undertaking the mission should read the backstory for their opponent and make them aware of any special rules or restrictions on the battle.
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